Speaker and Event Guidelines
The Lectures staff recognizes that every event is unique, but to make each event the most successful, please follow these guidelines and pass along important notes to your campus collaborators and to your speaker.
Length of Event
Generally, a lecture-style event should be 45-50 minutes in length, with 10-15 minutes of Q&A. If the event is a documentary, panel, or other format, it is important to note that in the funding application and on all publicity.
Welcome and Introduction
If an event is co-sponsored by the Committee on Lectures, then specific information needs to be included in the Welcome. If requested, a student member of the Committee on Lectures can be tasked with this or someone from the host organization may give the welcome. The introduction of the speaker may be done by the same person or a different person.
The Welcome should include:
- List of the event's cosponsors.
- Reminder to students that card scanning for class attendance will take place after the lecture concludes and explain where the attendant will be located.
- Mention the Q&A and explain format.
- If the University Book Store is selling books, point out its book sales location.
- If there will be a book signing, mention it will take place and point out the location.
- If there will be a reception, mention it and the location.
- Share two or three upcoming Lectures-sponsored events.
Tips for Speakers on Engaging with the Audience
Lectures attendees come from a wide range of backgrounds and typically include students, faculty, staff, and community members. A few helpful suggestions:
- Use large, legible fonts for slides so everyone can see – even those in the back of the room.
- Use a microphone, even in small spaces, for those who may have trouble hearing.
- Always address and speak to the entire room.
- Use language the entire audience can understand – make your presentation approachable to people who may be less familiar with the topic.
Event Safety
If the Iowa State University Police Department determines that public safety officers are needed for an event, groups must comply with ISUPD requirements, including but not limited to venue choice; restrictions on attendees bringing bags; and prohibiting signs, posters, or other materials that may block the view of other attendees.
Consistent with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, individuals shall be removed by public safety if said individuals are actively disrupting the operation of the event.
Committee on Lectures Event Policies
Event Funding Policies
(approved 8/22/22, other approval dates noted)
- Requests for funding need to come from a university-recognized student or campus organization or academic unit.
- Students must be included in the planning and presentation of the event.
- The event being planned must be free and open to the public.
- Ticketing and/or registration for free events is not permitted.
The event being planned must take place while classes are in session during the fall or spring semesters. COL does not fund summer or winter session events. Events are not held during Finals Week. Events scheduled during Study Week require approval from the Provost’s Office. - Every speaker must agree to a Q&A for students at a public lecture.
- The microphone(s) during Q&A is monitored by Lectures staff.
- Texting Q&A is required for events in Lee Liu Auditorium. Texting Q&A may be utilized at any event upon request. All texting Q&A will be facilitated using the Lectures-provided software.
- Each student or campus organization may request funding for one speaker per academic year.
- COL does not fund speakers who have made a public presentation on campus within the past three years, except under special circumstances.
- A non-student unit may solicit funding from COL where COL agrees to serve as the student organization.
COL will provide up to $750 to cover Event Costs per event (4/24/23) Event Costs may include: University Transportation shuttle to/from DSM; lodging (at Gateway or Courtyard Marriott); university vehicle to transport speakers around campus and Ames; room and setup, and AV tech, and recording and captioning the lecture. - COL funding cannot be used to pay for food and beverages.
Exception: Meal included in official itinerary with speaker and students; may include faculty/staff but must have a majority of students at a meal to qualify. COL does not provide funding for receptions or faculty/staff meals with speakers that do not have a student majority. COL reserves the right to not approve meals without a vote if meal costs added to other Event Costs exceed $750. - COL does not permit payment of deposits or cancelation fees. Full payment via check on day of event will be offered in lieu of a deposit. Contracts may stipulate that if the event is canceled by the university that Lectures Program may reimburse nonrefundable travel expenses for the speaker, as permitted by university policy, the Iowa Board of Regents, and Iowa state law.
- Any group that requests live streaming of its event will be charged a $100 fee.
- Advertising on the Memorial Union digital screens throughout the building may be utilized, with a $100 charge per week.
- Student groups that receive funding from COL and opt to drive a speaker must use a driver approved in the ISU Transportation system and use an ISU vehicle. (10/17/22)
- Any event receiving funding from COL must allow for a Q&A period that allows students to submit questions directly or indirectly to the speaker. (10/17/22)
- Any event seeking funding more than $750 must include a complete headline and description for COL to vote on the funding request. (10/17/22)
- For an event to receive more than Event Costs, any contract must be approved by Lectures staff and signed by all parties before the event may be publicized. (10/31/22)
- For any event receiving more than Event Costs, student groups must use the Lectures-provided graphic for publicity. (10/31/22)
If a student group wants to use a different graphic, there must be a specific reason and it must be approved by Lectures staff. (This is because of copyright and photo restrictions as well as pre-approval requirements for publicity by many speakers.) - Any group seeking COL funding for an event off campus must provide a 30-day notice of venue location. COL reserves the right to refuse funding for off-campus events. (1/31/23)
- All groups must compy with facilities use policies, including but not limited to publicity, technology, and food and beverage restrictions.
Student Event Notice Policy (11/14/24)
- If a student group brings an event that the group only wants to be on the Lectures website—and needs no other support, there is no minimum notice needed.
- A two-week (14 days) notice requirement for student group events that need no funding but seek publicity and card scanning support.
- A three-week (21 days) notice requirement for student group events if the student group is asking for funding from the committee and/or logistical support, including but not limited to room reservations, speaker travel assistance, and contract assistance, from the Lectures staff.
Event Policy - Unfunded Events (11/14/24)
- An event sponsored by a recognized student organization or university unit that seeks publicity but no funding or logistical support may be placed on the Lectures calendar at any time.
- Lectures will not promote events that: Require tickets or registration to attend, and are not free and open to the public.
- If the event is placed on the calendar at least 14 days in advance, the event must be made available to faculty for giving students extra credit for attending. The sponsoring organization must provide a space in or close to the event space for a Lectures student worker to sit and use their computer to card scan.
- Lectures will not use a graphic provided by a group or third party if the contents conflict with any COL or university policy or if Lectures staff has concerns about copyright.