ISU Lectures Campaign Event Guidelines

The Committee on Lectures will serve as the student group sponsor for political events that comply with the ISU Campaign Series Guidelines. Campaigns and surrogates must comply with the Guidelines in order to receive the benefits of student sponsorship, which include reduced costs for events, publicity through the Lectures Series website and listserv, and logistical assistance for the event. Contact the Lectures staff with questions or to propose a political event.

Iowa State University Campaign Series Guidelines

This series is sponsored by the Committee on Lectures (CoL), funded by the Student Government, and administered by the Lectures Program office. The Campaign Series is composed of discrete events that provide students, faculty, and community members from around central Iowa with an opportunity to hear from and question candidates, or their designated surrogates, before each election. Lectures staff work with participating campaigns to provide the best possible venue, date, and time for presentations. Publicity and technical support are also provided. ISU student organizations assist with hosting, introduction, and staffing of tables and other needs for events.

Campaign Series Event Guidelines

In order to be part of the ISU Campaign Series an event must meet the following criteria:

  • The event must be a lecture, forum, debate, or town hall, and open to all. It cannot be a rally.
  • Candidates must be hosted by an ISU student organization.
  • Candidates will not be provided compensation.
  • Candidates will be responsible for their own travel expenses, personal security* expenses, and other related expenses. *ISU Public Safety will coordinate as appropriate any necessary security services and determine the cost of such services, which will be billed to the campaign or candidate.
  • Attendees will not be required to sign in or sign up to attend. Campaigns may not reserve seats for supporters.
  • Tables for campaign information, voting information, and election information are permissible.
  • Easels for campaign signs and/or brackets for a banner may be provided.
  • Publicity will be the same for other CoL events: posters distributed across campus and at other lectures; event added to the Lectures website and schedule of events for electronic and paper distribution; and posts on social media, including Twitter and Facebook.
  • The microphone(s) during Q&A is handled by Lectures staff.
  • No signs, displays, costumes, or other objects may obstruct the view of the audience inside the event.
  • No one will be allowed to disrupt the candidate or interfere with the candidate’s ability to speak.
  • Equal time will be given to all candidates (individuals who have filed the required affidavit of candidacy and nomination petitions) in the same political race. In the case of presidential candidates, the Lectures Program will notify all candidates who have filed the appropriate paperwork with the FEC and established a physical campaign office in the state of Iowa (not a P.O. Box) of the opportunity to be hosted by a student organization.

Benefits of Being a Campaign Series Event

  • Lectures staff handles logistics, including technology, for the event.
  • The room fee at the Memorial Union is covered under the Lectures Program agreement.
  • The event will be promoted within an established network to the Iowa State and Ames communities.