White Immunity: Working Through the Pedagogical Pitfalls of Privilege
- Helen LeBaron Hilton Chair Series
- School of Education
- Committee on Lectures (funding by Student Government)

Dr. Nolan Cabrera is a nationally-recognized expert in the areas of racism/anti-racism on college campuses, whiteness, and ethnic studies. This presentation is Dr. Cabrera’s development over “White Privilege.” In it, he explores the historical development of whiteness, and shows how white advantage developed through systemic racism to which white people were socially inoculated. This lecture links the history of racial Oppression to contemporary times, and helps work through some of the pitfalls of privilege such as, “How can white kids from Appalachia be ‘privileged’?” Dr. Cabrera is currently an Associate Professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Arizona, and was the only academic featured in the MTV documentary White People. 2019-2020 Helen LeBaron Hilton Chair Series