Mass Extinctions of the Past and Future: Are We In a Mass Extinction Era?

Dr. Ryosuke Motani
10 Oct 2024
5:30 PM
Sun Room, Memorial Union
  • Phi Beta Kappa Society
  • Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)

Fall 2024 Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar 

Ryosuke Motani is a professor of geobiology and paleobiology and vice chair for undergraduate programs at the University of California Davis. He has studied fossils in tandem with leading-edge computational and chemical analysis techniques. His research has led to landmark discoveries, from using eye socket measurements to determine that some dinosaurs were nocturnal to revealing how land animals adapted to the ocean, among a host of other discoveries.

This lecture will be recorded and ready to view on the Available Recordings page approximately 24-36 hours after the conclusion of the event.