It's Personal: What Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions Mean for Individual Liberties
- Political Science
- ACLU of Iowa
- Catt Center for Women and Politics
- Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)

Recording Link:
2022 Constitution Day Panel
Recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court have altered Americans understanding of privacy, freedom of religion, and personal liberties. An expert panel will discuss the immediate legal effects and how other personal freedoms could be affected by upcoming cases.
Dr. Karen Kedrowski is Director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics and Professor of Political Science at Iowa State. She was recently named Campus Champion of the Year by the Andrew Goodman Foundation in recognition for her student voter engagement work.
Professor Dirk Deam, ISU
Julie Roosa, J.D., is a lecturer in the ISU Department of Political Science where she teaches Law & Politics. She previously served as an adjunct assistant professor and the First Amendment Specialist at the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication for four years. Julie is a consultant on legal issues related to the First Amendment, and has taught classes in media law, First Amendment law, business law, constitutional law and criminal law.
Leah Patton, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Iowa
Leah Patton is a staff attorney at the ACLU of Iowa, where she litigates civil rights and civil liberties cases. She previously was the managing attorney at Iowa Legal Aid's Davenport office, a staff attorney at Prairie State Legal Services and Muscatine Legal Services, an attorney in private practice, and an assistant public defender with the State Public Defender's Office. She completed judicial clerkships with the Third Judicial District of Iowa and Judge Huitink with the Iowa Court of Appeals. She received her J.D. from Drake Law School in 2005 and bachelor's degrees in English and Sociology from Iowa State University in 2002.