Feeding Story County: Reiman Gardens’ Grow and Give Program

Reiman Gardens Staff
21 Apr 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Garden Room, Reiman Gardens
  • Reiman Gardens
  • Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)

Nearly 11% of Iowans and 15.4% of Iowa children face food insecurity, and that percentage increases to more than 30% of Iowa State students. Reiman Gardens’ Grow and Give food donation program for Story County has been fighting hunger in Ames and surrounding communities for two decades. Staff will share an inside view of how Reiman Gardens, volunteers, and local food pantries work together to address the needs of Story County. Whether you are a home or community gardener, a volunteer, a food bank employee, or a community member interested in supporting fresh food collection in Story County, join us to learn more!

Note: This event will not be recorded.