Channeling Mextasy: Latinxers in the Digital Age
- Latino/a Studies Program
- Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)

William “Memo” Nericcio is a Mexican-American public intellectual, artist, cultural critic, and professor of comparative literature at San Diego State University. He will speak about the many stereotypes of Mexicans and other Latinas/os in American mass media and popular culture, when and how they were introduced, and why they persist. It is the topic of his book Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of "Mexicans" in America as well the art exhibition, Mextasy. Nericcio currently directs San Diego State’s Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences Program and serves on the faculty of the Center for Latin American Studies. U.S. Latino/a Studies Program’s 25-Year Anniversary Symposium Keynote
The exhibition Mextasy will be on display in the Memorial Union Multicultural Center September 10-October 30, 2019, as part of Iowa State’s U.S. Latino/a Studies Program’s 25th-Anniversary celebration and Hispanic Heritage Month.
The University Bookstore will be on site to sell copies of Tex{t}-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the Mexican in American.