The Case Against Free Speech
P.E. Moskowitz
01 Oct 2019
7:00 PM
Great Hall, Memorial Union
- National Affairs Lecture Series
- First Amendment Series
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- University Library
- Committee on Lectures (funded by Student Government)

P.E. Moskowitz will discuss their new book The Case Against Free Speech. The book looks at how one of our most treasured rights - free speech - is rarely the equalizer we assume it to be, but rather is defined and re-defined by those in power to reflect their ideals and agenda. A former staff writer for Al Jazeera America, P.E. Moskowitz has written for publications like the Guardian, New York Times,, Wired, and Slate and is the author of How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood. They also created the media support group Study Hall. Constitution Day Lecture
The University Bookstore will be on site to sell copies of Case Against Free Speech and How to Kill a City.