Behind the Scenes of Captain & Blue: A Science Comic About a Species in Decline

Dr. Katherine Richardson Bruna, PhD
17 Apr 2025
10:30 AM
2630 Memorial Union
  • College of Health and Human Sciences
  • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Committee on Lectures (funded by Student GovernmentRossmann-Manatt Lecture)

Rossmann-Manatt Lecture

Science comics hold promise in leveraging new literacies to promote ecological stewardship. Learn how an educational anthropologist and an environmental sustainability expert collaborated with a team of naturalists on this science translation project to tell the story of the Blanding's Turtle, a species threatened in Iowa due to habitat loss. Grounded in the need for new approaches that appeal to new audiences in a new era, Captain & Blue highlights the important role of interdisciplinary and applied efforts in addressing grand challenges, efforts which land-grant universities, like ISU, are well-positioned to undertake.